Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help  
5.4.2 Working with Generated Code

The generated code is a complete C# solution with two projects: PAT.Main and PAT.Module."Your Module Code". To work with the code, open "PAT3 Source.sln" using Visual Studio 2008 or later. The code structure is displayed below.

Note: the code should be compilable. If not, please try to re-generate the code.

PAT.Main is the GUI project which contains a simple editor which allows developers to input a model for simulation and verification. You don't need to modify this project for your module development.

PAT.Module."Your Module Code" is the module project. The classes inside this project are explained below. Or you can refer to Section 5.2.2 for more details.

Assertions folder contains all the assertions to be supported. Unless you want to develop your own assertions, otherwise you don't need to change anything.

LTS folder contains all the syntax classes, specification class and state interface class. Sample LTS syntax classes can be found in the subfolder for your reference. You need to develop a parser and put inside this folder. Specification class is the internal representation of the input model. Configuration class is the state interface. ConfigurationWithChannelData class is the state interface used for synchronous channel communication. If you module doesn't have synchronous channel, then there is no need to have this class.

Ultility folder contains some ultility functions.

ModuleFacade class is the module interface class to communicate with GUI classes. You only need to change this class if you want to add some examples for your module. The code templates are inside this class for you to follow.

Note: if there is any question of using the generated code, please email

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